July December 2009 - 11-04-2012

     July - December 2009


                          President's address

                          Keynote Address

                          President of Insurance Institute of India

                          Finantial Meltdown and Insurance - Does India Need a Risk Based Capital Model -- by Shri N.V. Subramanyam

                          Life Insurance - 'Reverse Underwriting' by Prospects -- by Shri V.N.S Pillai

                          Overview of Indian Insurance Market in Post-Liberalization era-growing challenges & opportunities and the fight for FDI -- by Shri Achintya Mandal

                          Risk Based Capital -- by Shri Vishwanath

                          Combating Insurance Fraud with the use of I.T. -- by Shri V.S.K. Rao

                          Indian Health Insurance Scenario -- by Shri Jagendra Kumar

                          Choosing & Leveraging the Right Brand Ambassador In Insurance Sector -- by Prof. Nidhi Maheswari

                          Learning - A Quality Education -- by Prof. M.N. Mishra

                          Life Insurance and Human Life Values -- by Dr.G.Gopalkrishna

                          Catch the Shopper by the E-Tail -- by Teena Makhija

                          54th Annual Conference at Agra on 16the Sept, 09 Around The Institutes *

                          Examination Time Table Articles / Subscription Form IV

