Summary |
Group insurance has had a most phenomenal growth in the years since World War II. During this period, much development has occurred and many new ideas have been brought forth and put into practical operation. This is an attempt to set forth in a few pages the elements of group insurance as they are generally understood today. In the following pages the subject of group life insurance and group accident and health insurance, are covered in sufficient detail for the student of this subject to attain a good basic knowledge.
The contents of the book includes –
Chapter I - The Extent and Growth of Group Insurance inCanada
Chapter II - Fundamental Principles
Chapter III - Types of Benefits
Chapter IV - Types of Groups
Chapter V - The Elements of a Plan of Group Insurance
Chapter VI - Premium Rates and Underwriting Principles
Chapter VII - Retired Lives
Chapter VIII - Marketing Methods
Chapter IX - The Role of the Agent
Chapter X - The Group Insurance Plan in Operation
Chapter XI - Miscellaneous Matters