Summary |
Most of the technical and service professions as we know them today developed in the nineteenth century. The initially depended on education through apprenticeship. Later, examinations and other qualifications were established by their professional organizations. These followed the patterns set earlier by the older professions, such as medicine and law. Central in value for these professions were personal service and ethical conduct. In newer professions providing technical and commercial services to industry and business, such as engineering and accountancy, emphasis soon come to be placed on the specialized knowledge and skills that defined the professional. Interesting employment of professionals in organizations raised issues of professional authority and independence.
The essential characteristic of a profession has come to be expertise in the area where professional services are preformed. This requires setting of selective standards for admission to the profession, intellectual and practical training to acquire professional competence, and an organization to rest such competence. To ensure that professional services are delivered in a manner expected to professionals, it has become necessary to lay down canons of professional performance and behavior in work situation as well as procedures for maintaining discipline.