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 Law Of Reinsurance In England And Bermuda


 Oneill, P T


 Woloniecki, J W


 Thomson Reuters




PART I The Nature of Reinsurance Transactions 1. Nature, Terminology and Definition of Reinsurance 2. Introduction to the Reinsurance Market PART II General Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law 3. Formation of the Reinsurance Contract 4. The Relationship between the Reinsurance Contract 5. The Reinsurer’s Obligations to pay claims met by the Reinsured Follow the Settlements—The Rights of the Reinsurer 6. The Reinsurer’s Grounds for Denying Liability 7. Some Legal Aspects of Particular Types of Reinsurance Contract 8. Financial Reinsurance and Alternative Risk Transfer PART III Reinsurance Intermediaries and the Law of Agency 9. The Legal Nature and Duties of Intermediaries 10. Binding Authorities, Underwriting Agents and Pools 11. Reinsurance Intermediaries’ ( Brokers’) Accounts—Theory Practice and Law PART IV Reinsurance Disputes and the Conflict of Law 12. Choice of Law in Reinsurance Transactions 13. Reinsurance Litigation 14. Reinsurance Arbitration PART V Reinsurance Regulation and Insolvency 15. Solvency, Regulation, and Protection of the reinsured’s Security 16. Reinsurance Run-Offs and the Prospect of Insolvency 17. Insolvency Procedures I: Overview, Winding-up and International Recognition 18. Insolvency Procedures II: Administration, Schemes of Arrangement and Transfers of Business