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The text emphasizes social insurance as a primary technique for meeting and alleviating the problems of economic insecurity. Although some attention is devoted to other economic- security programs, primarily public assistance, the central thrust of the book is devoted to social insurance principles, programs, and issues. Each major cause of economic insecurity is examined, and the appropriate social insurance program is the then analyzed. In particular, an entire chapter is devoted to the problem of premature death, since recent research studies clearly indicate that economic insecurity can occur months or even years before a terminally ill family head actually dies. In addition, the timely and important problem of health care in the United States in analyzed in some depth. The various solutions to the health-care crisis are examined, with heavy emphasis on a new system of national health insurance to correct the numerous defects now found in the health-services delivery system. Other important causes of economic insecurity are also analyzed, including old age, unemployment, occupational safety and health, and poverty. Existing and proposed new social insurance programs are examined as techniques for meeting these problems. Also, the important and controversial issues surrounding the OASDHI program, workmens compensation, unemployment insurance, and public assistance are treated is some detail.