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 Legal Environment Of Risk Management And Insurance


 Bowers, Thomas


 Barnes, A. James


 Mallor, Jane P.


 American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters




CONTENTS 1. The Nature of Law 2. The Resolution of Private Disputes 3. Business and the Constitution 4. Crimes 5. Intentional Torts 6. Negligence and Strict Liability 7. Product Liability 8. Introduction to Contracts 9. The Agreement: Offer 10. The Agreement: Acceptance 11. Consideration 12. Reality of Consent 13. Illegality 14. Writing 15. Rights of Third Parties 16. Performance and Remedies 17. Formation and Terms of sales Contracts 18. The Legal Environment for International Business 19. Unfair Competition 20. Personal Property and Bailments, 21. Real Property 22. Landlord and Tenant 23. Introduction to Credit and Secured Transactions 24. Bankruptcy 25. The Agency Relationship 26. Third-Party Relation of the Principal and the Agent 27. Employment Law 28. Introduction to Forms of Business and Formation of Partnerships 29. Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies 30. History and Nature of Corporation 31. Organization and Financial Structure of Corporation 32. Management of Corporations 33. Shareholders’ Rights and Liabilities 34. Administrative Agencies 35. The Federal Trade Commission Act and Consumer Protection Law 36. Environmental Law