Summary |
1. The Economic Background To Management
2. The Business Firm And Its Objectives
3. Profit
1. The Nature Of Profit
2. The Measurement Of Profit
3. Profit Policy
4. Investment Policy
1. Investment Decisions
2. Measuring Investment Opportunities
3. Cash Movement Over The Period Of Investment
4. The Investment Life
5. The Cost Of Capital
6. Uncertainty
5. Competition
1. The Rationale Of Competition
2. Exchange And Market Categories
3. Competitive Behavior
4. Understanding Competition
6. Cost
1. Long-Run Influences On Cost: Location, Scope, Size
2. Production And Costs
3. Operational Research
7. Cost Control
1. Aims And Purposes Of Cost Control
2. The Management Problems Of A Cost Control System
3. The Level Of Achievement Incorporated Into Budgets
8. Demand Analysis And Forecasting
1. The Elementary Economics Of Demand
2. A Digression On The Socio-Economic Analysis Of Demand
3. Demand Forecasting
9. Pricing Policy
1. Introduction
2. The Elementary Economics Of Price
3. Innovation: Pricing Over The Life Cycle Of A Product
4. Prescriptive: Alternative Pricing Conventions
5. Descriptive: How Firms Actually Price Their Products
10. Product Policy, Sales Promotion And Market Strategy
1. Introduction
2. Product Policy
3. Advertising And Sales Promotion
4. Market Strategy—The Decision Theory Approach