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 Managerial Economics


 Maheshwari, K L


 Varshney, R L


 Sultan Chand & Sons




CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics 2. Managerial Economist—His Role and Responsibilities 2. DEMAND ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING 3. Demand Determinants 4. Demand Distinctions 5. Demand Forecasting 3. COST AND PRODUCTION ANALYSIS 6. Cost Concepts and Classifications 7. Cost-Output Relationship 8. Economies and Diseconomies of Scale 9. Production Functions 10. Linear Programming 4. PRICING DECISIONS,POLICIES AND PRACTICES 11. Pricing and Output Decisions under Perfect Competition 12. Pricing and Output Decisions under Imperfect Competition 13. Pricing Policies 14. Pricing Methods 15. Specific Pricing Problems 16. Price Discrimination 17. Product—Line Pricing 18. Price Forecasting 5. PROFIT MANAGEMENT 19. Nature and Measurement of profit 20. Profit Policies 21. Profit Planning and Cost Control 6. CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 22. Capital Budgeting 23. Cost of Capital 24. Appraising Project Profitability 25. Risk, Probability and Investment Decisions 7. MARCO—ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS 26. Business Cycle and Business Policies 27. Demand Recession in India----Causes, Indicators and Prevention 28. Economic Forecasting for Business 29. Input-Output Analysis TABLES Present Value Tables Table of Logarithms Table of Antilogarithms A Note on Log and Antilog