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 Risk management and insurance


 Harrington, Scott E


 McGraw Hill Education India Pvt Ltd




Contents - 1. Risk and its management 2. Objective of risk management 3. Risk identification and measurement 4. Pooling arrangements and diversification of risk 5. insurer ownership, financial, and operational structure 6. insurance regulation 7. insolvencies, solvency ratings, and solvency regulation 8. insurance pricing 9. Risk aversion and risk management by individuals and corporations 10. inseparability of risk, contractual provisions, and legal doctrines 11. Loss control 12. Legal liability for injuries 13. Automobile insurance 14. Homeowners insurance 15. Life insurance and annuities 16. Employee benefits: overview and group medical coverage 17. Retirement plans 18. Workers' compensation and employee injuries 19. Social security 20. Risk management and shareholder wealth 21. Tax, regulatory, and accounting factors affecting corporate risk management 22. Risk retention/reduction decisions 23. commercial insurance contracts 24. Hedging with derivative contracts 25. Alternative risk transfer 26. Analysis tools used in corporate risk management 27. Enterprise risk management: a case study 28. Corporate liability to customers, third parties, and shareholders 29. Issues in liability risk and its management