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 Principles Of The English Law Of Contract And Of Agency In Its Relation To Contract


 Anson, William R






Contents of the book- Chapter 1 - The Nature And History Of Contractual Obligations Part 1 - Formation Of Contract Chapter 2 - The Promise Chapter 3 - Form And Consideration Chapter 4 - The Terms Of The Contract Part 2 - Factors Tending To Defeat Contractual Liability Chapter 5 - Incapacity Chapter 6 - Misrepresentation Chapter 7 - Duress And Undue Influence Chapter 8 Mistake Chapter 9 Illegality Part 3 Limits Of The Contractual Obligation Chapter 10 Privity Of Contract Chapter 11 Assignment And Negotiability Part 4 Discharge Of Contract Chapter 12 Discharge By Agreement Chapter 13 Discharge By Performance Chapter 14 Discharge By Breach Chapter 15 Discharge By Frustration Chapter 16 Discharge By Operation Of Law Part 5 Remedies For Breach Of Contract Chapter 17 - Remidies For Breach Of Contract Part 6 - Agency Chapter 18 The Mode In Which The Relationship Of Principal And Agent Is Created Chapter 19 Effect Of The Relationship Of Principal And Agent Chapter 20 Determination Of Agent’s Authority Part -7 Quasi-Contract Chapter 21 Quasi-Contract