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 Excess of loss reinsurances




 Naik, K L


 Insurance Times




"The Reinsurance market is evolving with the time. Due to increase in the instances of natural disaster and climate change the demand for innovative covers to fully protect the balance sheet of Insurers is also increasing. Excess of Loss is one of the methods of Reinsurance which is quite popular. Excess of Loss is a form of Non-Proportional Reinsurance where reinsurer indemnifies the ceding company for losses that exceed a specified limit. However this concept is not very clear among the Reinsurance practioners. In order to simplify the concept and present the practical aspects of underwriting this form of Reinsurance, Mr. K.L. Naik a Reinsurance Guru and authority on the subject has taken the initiative to write this book on Excess of Loss Reinsurances. Mr. Naik has very rich experience in the reinsurance field both in Indian and International markets and he has put forth all his experience in capsule form in this book. This book covers various aspects of Excess of Loss Reinsurance including types of treaties prevalent, coverage, rating, Global treaty terms etc. The book written in lucid language will be an easy reference guide for Insurers, Reinsurance Professionals, Students, Intermediaries. It will be a rich and valuable addition to every library for reference on Reinsurance in India."