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 Policy - Based Network Management


 Strassner, John C.






This book is organized into chapters that fall into three basic sections: Chapters 1-4 introduce PBNM, Chapters 5-8 examine PBNM in detail, and Chapters 9-11 provide examples of PBNM Chapter 1 provides a brief retrospective of PBNM. Chapter 2 supplies the technical foundation for discussing policy throughout the rest of this book, including a robust terminology and a simplified conceptual model that will be elaborated on as more of the DEN-ng model is introduced. Chapter 3 describes a novel approach to define different, yet related, information views of the managed environment. Chapter 4 explains how policies are used in a PBNM system. Chapter 5 introduce the Ponder system and then defines extensions of this systems that are designed to enhance the structure of high-level policies and their application in a PBNM system. Chapters 6 and 7 first describe the motivation for creating a new policy model and second the DEN-ng policy model in detail. Chapter 8 takes the previous concepts and maps them to a new, more robust, PBNM architecture. Chapter 9 focuses on how the business, system, and implementation views can be coordinated using the DEN-ng information model. Finally, Chapters 10 and 11 provide several different examples of how policy is used in a system and new directions of PBNM, respectively. An important benefit of this book is its extensive listing of resources and references. Every chapter has a brief introduction to focus the reader on the content of the chapter, and a summary of the contents of the chapter at the end. This summary is followed by a comprehensive list of references.