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 Income Tax Act: As Amended By Finance Act 2010




 Taxmann Publications P Ltd




The contents of the book includes – Chapter I – Preliminary Chapter II – Basis of chare Chapter III – Incomes which do not form part of total income Chapter IV – Computation of total income Chapter V – Income of other persons, included in assessee’s total income Chapter VI – Aggregation of income and set off or carry forward of loss Chapter VI-A – Deductions to be made in computing total income Chapter VI-B – Restriction on certain deductions in the case of companies Chapter VII – Incomes forming part of total income on which no income-tax is payable Chapter VIII – Rebates and reliefs Chapter IX – Double taxation relief Chapter X – Special provisions relating to avoidance of tax Chapter XI – Additional income-tax on undistributed profits Chapter XII – determination of tax in certain special cases Chapter XII-A – Special provisions relating to certain income of non-residents Chapter XII-B – Special provisions relating to certain companies Chapter XII-C - Special provisions relating to retail trade, etc. Chapter XII-D - Special provisions relating to tax on distributed profits of domestic companies Chapter XII-E - Special provisions relating to tax on distributed income Chapter XII-F - Special provisions relating to tax on income received from venture capital companies and venture capital funds Chapter XII-G - Special provisions relating to income of shipping companies Chapter XII-H – Income-tax on fringe benefits Chapter XIII – Income-tax authorities Chapter XIV – Procedure for assessment Chapter XIV-A – Special provision for avoiding repetitive appeals Chapter XIV-B – Special procedure for assessment of search cases. Chapter XV – Liability in special cases Chapter XVI – Special provisions applicable to firms Chapter XVII – Collection and recovery of tax Chapter XVIII – Relief respecting tax on dividends in certain cases Chapter XIX – Refunds Chapter XIX-A – Settlement of cases Chapter XIX-B – Advance rulings Chapter XX – Appeals and revision Chapter XX-A – Acquisition of immovable properties in certain cases of transfer to counteract evasion of tax Chapter XX-B – Requirement as to mode of acceptance, payment or repayment in certain cases to counteract evasion of tax Chapter XX-C – Purchase by central government of immovable properties in certain cases of transfer Chapter XXI – Penalties imposable Chapter XXII – Offences and prosecutions Chapter XXII-A – Annuity deposits Chapter XXII-B – Tax credit certificates Chapter XXIII - Miscellaneous