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 Foreign Trade Policy And Trends In India (1947-48 To 2008-09)


 Mathur, Vibha


 New Century Publications




In recognition of the growing importance of foreign trade in the Indian economy, this book provides a comprehensive description and analysis of post-Independence development in India’s foreign trade and allied sectors with focus on post-1991 period. The book covers the following specific topics: • Changing pattern of international trade • Pre- and post-independence developments in India’s foreign trade • Compositional and directional shifts in exports from India • Compositional and policy shifts in imports into India • Foreign trade policy in recent years • Rationalization, simplification and moderation of customs tariff regime • Current account convertibility and flows • Capital account convertibility and flows • Exchange rate determination and management • Foreign exchange reserves • External debt and aid • Foreign direct investment (FDI). Foreign portfolio investment The book provides special coverage to the following topics: • Globalization and international trade • Global economic crisis and international trade • India’s regional trade agreements (RTAs) • World trade organization (WTO) and Indian’s foreign trade • Global economic crisis and the Indian economy.