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 Weathering The Storm: A History Of The Loss Adjusting Profession Part Iii-Evolution And Recognition


 Hardy, Chris E.


 Witherby & Co Ltd


 1 85609 238 0


‘Weathering the Storm’ is the third in a series of histories, covering the period 1970-1995. The first part, ‘Order out of chaos’ by E.F. Cato carter, described the evolution of ‘assessors’ between the great fire of London and 1920, in the context of great social change. Part II – ‘A profession emerges’, by Charles T.H. Sharp, covered the years 1920-1970, during which the founding of the association of fire loss adjusters and its graduation to the chartered institute were landmarks. During the recent 25-year period, the institute grappled with an unrelenting succession of challenges, including long-negotiated but subsequently short-live ventures with contemporaries in Australasia and Europe. The intervention of first the monopolies commission and then the office of fair trading brought immense changes to the way adjusters conducted their business. Meanwhile, the rise in consumerism and the decline in social and moral standards in the country at large provoked a mass of new legislation. At the end of this period, the profession remained strong but gathering clouds loomed on the horizon.