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 Motor Insurance: Theory And Practice


 Cannar, Kenneth


 Witherby & Co Ltd


 1 85609 065 5


The contents of the book includes below: Chapter I: The Coming of the Car Chapter II: Legal Background – Contract Chapter III: Legal Background – Tort Chapter IV: Legal Background – Agency Chapter V: Legal Background – Statute Law Chapter VI: Legal Background – Other statutes affecting insurers Chapter VI: Legal Background – Other statutes affecting insurers (cont’d) Chapter VII: The Market and its Sales methods Chapter VIII: The Electronic office Chapter IX: Rating Chapter X: Underwriting selecting and grading Chapter XI: Proposal Forms Chapter XII: Certificates cover notes and policies Chapter XIII: Policy Conditions and exceptions- Their construction Chapter XIV: Renewals and Adjustments Chapter XV: No claim and other discounts – Return of premium Chapter XVI: Reinsurance Chapter XVII: The motor insurers bureau Chapter XVIII: Market agreements Chapter XIX: Claims – By Policyholders Chapter XX: Claims – By Third Parties Chapter XXI: The International Aspect Chapter XXII: A few contemporary problems Chapter XXIII: The Public Image Chapter XXIV: The System of Work Chapter XXV: Towards a profit Chapter XXVI: The Future