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 Local Government Principles And Practice: A Text For Risk Managers


 Watt, Peter A.


 Witherby & Co Ltd


 1 85609 090 6


The aim of this book is to present an up-to-date account of local government in Britain. It is written primarily for candidates for the local authority risk management option in the institute of risk management (IRM) professional examinations. Although it is written for risk managers, the main focus of the book is on local government. (Risk management issues per se are well covered by other books in the IRM series). The book will therefore also be of value to the general reader seeking an overview of the current principles and practice of British local government. The approach taken to the subject is slightly more economics-orientated then is generally the case with books on local government. However, it is not written as an economics book. Where economic concepts are used they are carefully explained and no prior knowledge of economics is assumed.