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 Economic Survey Of India 1947-48 To 2008-09


 Prasad, Chandra Shekhar


 New Century Publications




The work is organised into 8 parts Part I is introductory in nature, tracing the main developments in the Indian economy since Independence in 1947. Part II traces the developments in Indian agriculture during the post-Independence period and examines current issues pertaining to this vital sector of the Indian economy. Part III is devoted to Indian industry. It records changes in industrial policy during the post-Independence period, explains the key reform measures undertaken for making Indian industry internationally competitive and examines current issues pertaining to this sector. Part IV covers fiscal policy. It provides an account of fiscal developments in India since Independence and explains the fiscal reforms during the post-liberalisation period with particular emphasis on tax reforms. Part V traces the evolution of India’s monetary policy and price policy. Part VI deals with banking and finance. It explains developments in India’s financial system with particular emphasis on post-1991 reforms. Part VII describes and examines changes in the pattern of foreign trade since Independence, with focus on developments since 1991. Part VIII contains time-series data on the Indian economy.