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 Life Insurance: Modern Trends And Technology


 Saini, B L


 Shree Niwas Publications




Life is uncertain and every body wants to arrange his life in such a way that in future he and his family will be certain about his financial liabilities. This certainty can be achieved with the help of life insurance. In the present book each and every aspect of life insurance is explained in a simple way. The contents of the book includes – • Introduction • Use of Internet in Insurance • Electronic Payment System of Insurance Premium • Digital Signature • Insurance Business • Types of Insurance Contract • Historical Background of Life Insurance • Nature of Life Insurance Business • Classification of Life Insurance Policies • Annuity Contract • Provisions of Life Insurance Policy • Computation of Insurance Premium, Investment of Distribution of Profits • Construction of Mortality Tables • Kinds of Life Assurance Plans • Valuation and Surplus of Insurance Companies • Life Insurance Reserve • Investment of Life Insurance Fund • Organizational Sep-up of LIC • Hints to attempt Cases on Life Insurance