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 Insurance And Risk Management


 Basotia, G R


 Prism Books




Insurance and risk Management is very essential topic for commerce field. This book is striving for the same. Opportunities in building career in management. This book is designed just to meet the needs of students and teachers. It endeavours to p place before the reader the vast expansive scope, variety and dynamism of the field of management. The contents of the book includes below: 1. Introduction 2. Rural insurance in India 3. Urban Non-Traditional insurance 4. Life insurance 5. Life insurance Corporation Act, 1956 6. Classification of Polices 7. Calculation of Premium 8. Nature of Fire insurance 9. Fire insurance Contract 10. Policy conditions 11. Kinds of Policies 12. Motor insurance Burglary and Personal Accident insurance 13. Miscellaneous Form of insurance 14. Nature of Marine insurance contract 15. Types of Marine insurance 16. Capital Risk and Liquidity 17. Scheduled Banks 18. Company Shares 19. Bonds 20. Preferred Stock 21. Government securities 22. Convertible stock 23. Stock Options 24. Warrants 25. Non-Security Forms of Investment