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 Credit Scoring, Response Modelling And Insurance Rating: Practical Guide To Forecasting Consumer Behaviour


 Finlay, Steven


 Palgrave Macmillan




Within the financial services industry today, most decisions about how to deal with consumers are made automatically by computerized decision-making systems. At the heart of these systems lie mathematically-derived forecasting models. These use information about people and their past behavior, to predict how people are likely to behave in the future. For example, who is likely to repay a loan, who will respond to a mail shot and the likelihood that someone will claim on their household insurance policy. Decisions about how to treat people are then made on the basis of the predictions calculated by the system. This book provides a step-by-step guide to how the forecasting models used by the world’s leading financial institutions are developed and deployed. It covers all stages involved in the construction of such a model, including project management, data collection, sampling, data pre-processing, model construction, validation, implementation and post-implementation monitoring of the model’s performance.