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 Fire Insurance: Essentials Of The Fire Insurance Business


 Ketcham, Edward Augustus






This book is primarily an attempt to place in convenient form the essential elements relating to the fire insurance business. It is a subject that is still in a transition state. The changes in the fire insurance business in the last quarter of a century, especially since 1900, have been very rapid. Old ideas in regard to the subject are passing away and are being replaced by new ones. Beliefs which were thought to be fixed are now considered to be in an incipient stage. While there are many excellent works on the subject and more being produced year by year, still we do not know of any production which brings the subject, as a whole, down to date. The author has endeavored to gather up the fragments of information relating to the business of fire insurance and tried to present them to the student in a readable form. No claim is made for originality, although there is much that is new, which, as far as we have been able to observe, has not before appeared in print. While the main divisions of the book have followed conventional lines, the subject matter treated is practically new.