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Takaful: A study guide is a publication updated, revised and rewritten in the English language to reach the wider international audience of practitioners, participants and shareholders, academicians and proponents of the concept, students and those keen to comprehend the subject matter as well as for general consumption. It discusses the foundation of Takaful and highlights the progress of the concept and how it has come to where it is today. The study guide offers a wealth of information on the two vital factors and how they work hand-in-hand in presenting the culture with a sound and well-defined concept that is inline and in accordance with the fundamental and basic aspects of Islamic tenets. It is a known fact that Muslims around the globe for generations have grown with a mindset that insurance, life insurance especially, is taboo because it was largely perceived to breach numerous Islamic canons. In the Middle East most predominantly, life insurance specifically, is very much approached and discussed with caution.