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 Research Methodology And Analyses


 Sarma, R P/ Misra, Rabi N


 Discovery Publishing House Pvt Ltd




In the modern era of Globalisation and Computerisation, research activities in all respects has created a distinguished place not only in academic field but also in the field of Trade, Commerce, Industry and what not. Due to the development of sophisticated techniques, ideas, innovation, the idea of new thoughts has immense value after 2000. Due to scarce resources now all are interested to use their limited resources for greater productivity. To acquire this technical knowledge research is highly essential. To increase knowledge, appropriate application of ideas, resources, thoughts, techniques are required. For this research is essential. The most developed countries like USA, UK, Japan and others spend more and more on research activities. This book has its own value to guide the innocent scholars in the right direction. This book is not only helpful for the teachers, but also for Government, the planners, industrialists, bankers, students, Non-government organisations, and others in preparing plans, budget and co-ordination of various activities of their own organisations.