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 Practical Guide To Corporate Governance


 Smerdon, Richard


 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd




The 4th edition of a A Practical Guide to Corporate Governance not only guides you through the changes but also provides advice and guidance to listed companies across the corporate governance spectrum. The contents of the book includes below: Chapter 1 Definition, Background and Purpose of Corporate Governance, and does it matter anyway? Chapter 2 The Regulatory Regime Chapter 3 The Board and its Structure Chapter 4 Directors: Part 1 Duties and Liabilities with special reference to the Companies Act 2006 Chapter 5 Directors: Part 2- The Non-Executive Director Chapter 6 Voices from the Boardroom Chapter 7 Board Evaluations Chapter 8 The Chairman Chapter 9 The Company Secretary Chapter 10 Board Meetings- The Basic Rules Chapter 11 Directors Remuneration Chapter 12 D & O Insurance and Indemnification Chapter 13 Financial Reporting Chapter 14External Audit, Internal Audit and the Audit Committee Chapter 15 Risk Management and Internal Control Chapter 16 Reporting to Shareholder-The Director’s/ Annual Report Chapter 17 The Annual General Meeting Chapter 18 Institutional Shareholder Activism Part 1 Chapter 19 Communicating and Engagement with Shareholders Chapter 20 Corporate Social Responsibility Chapter 21 Pension Funds Chapter 22 The Voluntary and Community Sector Chapter 23 The EU Chapter 24 US Corporate Governance: An Overview of Key Requirements for Public Companies Chapter 25 Governance of Banks and Other Financial Industry Entities (BOFIs)