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 Insurance: Overview


 Mustafa, A


 Manglam Publications




Insurance is the business of providing insurance policies. It is a measure taken to provide for a possible contingency (take an umbrella as insurance). Insurance policy is a contract of insurance. It is a document detailing such a policy and constituting a contract. This book deals with life insurance, marine insurance, fire insurance and all other kinds of insurance. Shipping and naval matters are elaborately discussed in this book. Latest policies announced by the life insurance corporation of India, general insurance companies and government of India are vividly explained with easy illustrations, diagrams and charts. Case studies including company profile are the special features of this book. Fundamentals of insurance, risk insurance, insurance agency, annuities, indemnification, contracts, etc., are defined and discussed with special reference to contemporary societies prevailing at the global level. Both U.G. and P.G. students studying insurance as a paper will find this book very useful. Readers can make valuable suggestions for further qualitative improvement of this book in the succeeding editions. The contents of the book includes – • Introduction – an introduction • Risk in insurance • Insurance agency • Annuities • Company profile • Indemnification • Fundamental principles of life insurance • Marine insurance • Fire insurance • Miscellaneous insurance • Contracts