Summary |
The inventions and discoveries in the field of medicine in the nineteenth and twentieth Century have made the lives of humanity much safer and increased the life expectancy at all levels. The mortality and morbidity rates have markedly decreased. But at the same time there has been population explosion all over the world specially in Asian and African Countries. Three main Asian Giants in population viz China, India and Japan. All the countries finding, it difficult to manage for the growing population. Policies and Programs are being formulated to keep in check the growing population. Various family planning methods are being introduced. India has been able to put check on fertility rate and check the growing population. But the advancement of the science and technology, there has come up a very serious problem that is problem of ageing population. The welfare states cannot at any cost ignore the old people or the population of Senior Citizens and their welfare. Sometimes back the problem was not considered to be serious specially in India but in the present context it has mounted to serious concern but the problem has become un-controllable. Longevity and life expectancy has remarkably increased.