Summary |
First published a decade ago, the book has been pre-eminent in lucid description of the subject. It is a thorough and exhaustive text designed to cater to the need of students doing a course in statistics at any level. It provides a firm grounding in the basics of statistics, especially to those having no prior formal exposure to the subject.
The book is particularly useful for students of commerce, economics and management where statistics is offered as a core course in almost all universities. It is equally useful for students of agriculture, education, medicine, sociology and psychology.
The third edition is thoroughly revised and updated according to the new UGC model curriculum. This dimension has undoubtedly enhanced the value of the book, especially for the following:
• The presentation of the subject matter has been made more focused, objective and concise.
• The notational and symbolic expressions introduced in the beginning have made subsequent statement of formulae more learner-friendly.
• Additions, among others, on data collection and presentation, prelude to probability, statistical inferences on correlation and regression, and a few other important non-parametric tests, have made the book more useful both to the students and researchers.
• The number of Review Problems has been doubled. Solved and Check-up and Try to Attempt exercise now provide a much greater scope for the readers to practice the application of methods discussed in the book.