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 Principles Of Risk Management And Insurance


 Rejda, George E






Recent events have brought risk and insurance issues to the forefront of the finance industry. Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Eighth Edition, features a host of revisions designed to keep the text current in the wake of these events and provides a thorough discussion of their relevance, not only for the industry, but also for the reader. Highlights of the Eighth Edition: • The impact of the Terrorist Attacks on commercial property and liability insurance, workers compensation, and life insurance • The President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security and its controversial report on reforming Social Security through partial privatization • The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, its effect on tax law, and its meaning for the individual worker • New Policies Issued by the Insurance Services Office that substantially revise the commercial property insurance and commercial crime insurance programs • Updated Insight Boxes providing real-world applications of key chapter concepts • Comprehensive Internet Resources with updated Web links