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 Commit To Quality


 Townsend, Patrick L/ Gebhardt, Joan E


 John Wiley & Sons, Inc




In this ground-breaking work, Patrick Townsend invites you to make your company the scene of yet another success story in less than one year. He’ll tell you why the Quality Has Value process worked so well for The Paul Revere Insurance Companies-and show you how to put it to work in your company. You’ll find out how to use this exciting blend of traditional ideas and innovative techniques to improve your company’s competitive position and bolster employee morale. Commit to Quality is the first book on the quality process to focus primarily on the service industry. This easy-to-follow guide combines concepts from participative management, quality circles and value analysis with common sense and Yankee ingenuity into a useful, proactive process that’s applicable in a single unit, department, or entire company. And this new Quality process tells you how to enlist employee tells you how to enlist employee support and provides insight into leadership principles necessary for the process to succeed.