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 Good Boss Bad Boss


 Sutton Robert I.






Author use the word boss rather than leader, manager, or supervisor (although all are bosses) because it implies an authority figure that has direct and frequent contact with subordinates – and who is responsible for personally directing and evaluating their work. This book is not about what it takes to set the strategy for a large enterprise or lead hundreds or thousands of underlings (most of whom a leader barely knows or has never met). When people talk about ‘my boss’, it conjures up the sounds of people’s voices and facial expressions, images of all-too-human relationships where people know too much about each other’s quirks, foibles, and habits – even if much of that contact occurs via phone calls, e-mails, text messages, or video conferences rather than face-to-face. Being a boss or having a boss is about dealing with the confidence, comfort, warmth, resentment, confusion, and flashes of anger and despair that pervade any relationship where one person wields power in an up-close and personal way over another. Good Boss, Bad Boss is about what the best bosses do, not the ordinary or barely competent ones. Good Boss, Bad Boss focuses on the differences between the best and worst bosses.