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 Little Book Of Bull Moves


 Schiff Peter D.


 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.




In the wake of declining stock prices, the bursting of the real estate bubble, and a weakening dollar, the American economy is poised for a prolonged contraction and U.S. stocks will suffer a protracted bear market, so predicted seasoned Wall Street prognosticator Peter Schiff in his 2008 bestseller, The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets. Now updated for 2010, in The Little Book of Bull Moves, the CNBC-dubbed “Doctor Doom” explains in the same straightforward and accessible style that was the signature of his first book: • The causes of the current financial crisis, including how the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers triggered the market meltdown • How healthcare legislation will likely prove to be the stake through the heart of our already fragile economy • How the dollar’s downward trend is likely to continue, especially under the Obama administration’s economic policies, which only provide a temporary illusion of recovery. • How the real collapse- including a cataclysmic upheaval of the American way of life as we know –it-is yet to come.