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 Coaching And Mentoring What They Are And How To Make The Most Of Them


 Renton Jane


 Economist The Newspaper Ltd.




Coaching and mentoring have become a mainstream part of management development and big business for the coaches. A too coach in America can earn over $15,000 ad day and , according to Harvard Business Review, US companies are spending more than $1.5 billion a year on this “must- have” activity. In Britain it is estimated that about 40% of CEOs now undergo coaching, as well as increasing numbers of senior managers. In lively and highly readable style, this guide explains what coaching and mentoring are, outlining the different disciplines underpinning coaching and the people who have influenced. It Using the experience of coaches and those who have been coached or who have been responsible for hiring coaches, it assesses the effectiveness of coaching and mentoring, and it gives advice on how to select a coach, make coaching work successfully and avoid mistakes that lead to disappointment or even harm.