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 Financial statement analysis and security valuation


 Penman, Stephen H


 McGraw Hill




This book is about understanding, but it is primarily about doing. Concepts and framework are only important if they lead to analysis tools. Each chapter of the book ends with a list of key concepts, but also with the analyst’s toolkit that summarizes the key analysis tools in the chapter. By the end of the book, you will have a complete set of tools for practical analysis. The tools in the book are those that a security analyst outside the firm uses to advise clients about investing in the firm. This book focuses on earnings forecasting and the methods for converting earnings forecasts to a valuation. The reason will become clear as you proceed through the book: earnings, appropriately measured, give a better indication of the value generation in a business, so the analysis of earnings prospects leads to a firmer understanding of fundamental value. Graham and Dodd and the fundamental analysts of earlier generations emphasized “earnings power.” This book maintains that focus, but in a way that is consistent with the principles of modern finance.