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 Economics Of Integrity: From Dairy Farmers To Toyota, How Wealth Is Built On Trust And Ehat That Means For Our Future


 Bernasek, Anna


 Harper Collins Publishers




Acclaimed journalist Anna Bernasek answers these questions as she takes us on a colorful journey that reveals the deep layers of trust involved in even the simplest of transactions. With examples that range from milk to mortgages. Bernasek shows how integrity is in fact our greatest economic asset; it forms the invisible bedrock of our economy. As the world emerges from the financial wreckage of 2008, the question facing nations, companies, and individuals is how to create widespread prosperity again. Understanding the roles that trust and integrity play in our daily lives and in the macroeconomy will force us to rethink the way we do business. In this “New Era of Responsibility,” Bernasek’s message is both essential and urgent. The Economics of Integrity is a book for our times.