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 Corporate Governance: Principles, Mechanisms And Practice


 Parthasarathy, Swami






Swami (Dr) Parthasarathy has made an unprecedented attempt by publishing his book, Corporate Governance – Principles, Mechanisms & Practice towards the dimension of motivating the movement of good governance, Dr Parthasarathy has sketched as well-structured mechanism for good practice of corporate governance, which several exponents and authorities were trying to build since a long time. The concept of 4 P’s of corporate governance in his book is a veritable roadmap of this pursuit. He has also undertaken a relentless effort to unveil the evolution and history of corporate governance in various nations. The prevalent practices in corporate governance in India and abroad come in for a sharp focus in this book. The book provides an empirical study of best Corporates practicing corporate governance of a high order along with country experience with reference to models around the world. The book also provides immense data and factual support with scientific arrangement of various approaches and systems of the corporate governance to accelerate further research and exploration in the respective field