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 Foreign Investment In India 1947-48 To 2007-08


 Bhasin, Niti


 New Centuary Publications




Foreign investment plays an important role in the long-term economic development of a country by augmenting availability of capital, enhancing competitiveness of the domestic economy through transfer of technology, strengthening infrastructure, raising productivity, generating new employment opportunities and boosting exports. Foreign investment therefore, is a strategic instrument of development policy. In the wake of economic liberalization policy initiated in 1991, the Government of India has taken several measures to encourage foreign investment, both direct and portfolio, in almost all sectors of the economy. However, the emphasis has been on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in the development of infrastructure, technological upgradation of industry and setting up special economic zones (SEZs). The current world scenario calls for further liberalization of norms for foreign investment in India. The present book deals with almost all aspects of foreign investment of India. It particularly focuses on current policies and procedures for foreign direct investment as well as foreign portfolio investment. Foreign investment policies of other countries have also been highlighted to make suitable comparisons with India’s policies in order to underscore the measures that are needed to attract higher levels of foreign capital and technology.