Summary |
The order of the book has been planned to present first the social background of the worker who migrates from the country to the town, and the adjustments he must perforce make in order to settle into his new industrial environment. What Personnel Management is and how it has developed in the West and in India is the subject of Part II, which also reviews in some detail the legal requirements for Welfare Officers under the Factories Act. Industrial Relations, both tripartite and bipartite, are studied in Part III, with details of the standards established by statute and case law, and particular emphasis on forms of joint consultation and collective bargaining. The last Part deals with the day-to-day work of Personnel Department: employment, wage administration, communication between management and workers, welfare and training; and a final chapter views the personnel function against the rapid changes now taking place in industry.
This book endeavours to present a practical approach to problems of human relations in industry, recognizing and setting out the many difficulties and indicating present trends. There is no solution applicable to every case, for the very fact that the problems are human problems means that they are as variable and as unpredictable as human beings themselves, but it is possible, in the light of wider experience and research, to indicate the correct approach to a given problem, and the framework within which a solution can be sought.