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 Corporate Financial Management


 Franks, Julian R/ Scholefield, Harry H


 Gower Press Ltd


 0 7161 0219 6


The contents of the book includes below: Part One Working Capital 1. Cash Management 2. Management of Debtors and Creditors 3. Management and Control of Stocks 4. Funds Statement Part Two Fixed Assets 5. Methods of Project Appraisal 6. Project Appraisal under Conditions of Uncertainty 7. The Impact of Tax Allowances, Inflation and Abandonment on Project Appraisal 8. Replacement Analysis 9. Leasing 10. Organizing for Effective Capital Budgeting Part Three Capital Structure 11. Methods of Raising Public Funds for Private Companies 12. Equity and Debt Capital for Public Companies 13. Valuation of the Firm and Cost of Capital 14. Theory of Capital Structure 15. Determining the Level of Debt and Equity in the Capital Structure 16. Dividend Policy Part Four Acquisitions and Mergers 17. An Introduction to Merger Strategy and Company Valuation 18. Acquisition Valuation Methods 19. Financial Analysis and Tactical Methods