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 Motor Insurance


 Dinsdale, W A/ Batten, A G M


 Stone & Cox Ltd




The subject-matter has been presented as far as possible in similar form to that adopted in similar form to that adopted in the companion volume. Third Party Insurance. The book is designed to be of value to all engaged in motor insurance, but especially to the student of this subject who is preparing for the Qualifying examination of The Chartered Insurance Institute. The contents of the book includes – 1. Principles and practice 2. Legal Principles of Motor Insurance 3. Legal Principles of Motor Insurance (II)-Road Traffic Acts 4. Motor Insurance Underwriting 5. Proposal Forms 6. Policy Forms 7. Scope of Cover and Methods of Rating 8. Additional Benefits and Rebates 9. Scope of Cover 10. Classification of Risks and Methods of Rating 11. Additional Benefits and Rebates 12. Motor Trade 13. Scope of Cover 14. Classification of Risks and Methods of Rating 15. Additional Benefits and Rebates 16. Claims