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 Eco-Quirks: Economist'S Journey Into Your World


 Sabnavis, Madan


 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd




Written in a reader-friendly manner, eco-quirks discusses about the noticeable and obvious things that we come across on a daily basis and take them for granted. For instance, the sunlight during the day and the darkness during the night are always taken for granted, it is only when we think further than the obvious about anything that is unusual and different – it actually opens scope for business. In today’s time, it’s important for the companies to innovate and evolve for which they have to tread a different path as human quirkiness is of interest. The subject matter of economics in the book is quite elementary as it starts with certain assumptions on human behavior. It is hoped that the reader continues reading this book with a smile as there is a humorous side to all the quirks that have been discussed in the book. At times it is serious; especially where the scene presented is a reflection of the dark reality in which we reside. As a matter of fact, you can see yourself somewhere in every chapter, and the book will probably exclaim as to how come you feature in these lines.