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 Modern Life Insurance: Textbook Of Income Insurance


 Mehr, Robert I/ Osler, Robert W


 Macmillan Company




The text actually contains nine parts, as indicated in the table of contents, each of which is self-contained. Since specimen policy forms and applications are readily available from the companies, they have been eliminated from the appendix. Throughout the book, the authors have tried to be impartial. They have sought to analyze the life and Accident and Sickness insurance business in the terms of the structure of every business and industry. They have treated is as neither saint nor pariah, recognizing both its faults and its virtues. To those within the business who insist that it should be referred to as an “institution” and explained as something apart from other American business, we say that much of the demagogic misunderstanding to which the ‘business” is subject stems from past attempts to set it apart from American business as a whole. That which is different is mysterious to the public, and that which is mysterious is ever distrusted.