Summary |
The general format of the manual has been retained to give the text continuity with previous editions. Four new chapter and more than 70 new topics have been added. The illustrations used are from newer up-to-date textbooks of medicine and surgery. These have been added through the courtesy of the publishers and the authors of the many excellent textbooks. A number of useful tables have been added. The Glossary has been materially expanded by adding more than 1,000 simplified definitions of medical and surgical terms.
The rapid increase in the volume of sickness and accident insurance on women has made it important to include for the first time an extensive chapter on claims covering gynecological conditions, more familiarly known as female disorders. Many requests have been received to cover these disabilities in the manual.
The effort to reduce the highly technical language of medicine and surgery to simple, understandable, nontechnical language for the use of laymen has been studiously continued.