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 Brief Introduction To Reinsurance


 Phua, Moses K H


 Singapore Reinsurers Association




This booklet sponsored by the Singapore Reinsurers’ Association is based upon a series of in-house lectures to junior clerical staff by an official of a member company and is therefore suitable for those young men and women who are new entrants to the reinsurance business possibly joining straight from school. It represents a means whereby such young people entering the clerical ranks of a professional reinsurance company can obtain some idea of what reinsurance is all about. Hopefully, the information provided will serve to throw some light on what would inevitably be a complicated subject to a total beginner expected to pull his or her weight in the organization in the shortest possible time. The paper is divided into three sections. The first introduces basic principles of insurance as well as gives a broad outline of the various classes of insurance available. In the second section, the reader is given a broad idea of what reinsurance is all about and the last section gives a glossary of common terms used in reinsurance. Some of the definitions given in this glossary are reproduced from the Reed Stenhouse’s collection of insurance terms and my thanks go to them for their kind permission to reproduce. At a later stage, it is hoped to further this work and take the learner onto a higher plane in the fascinating world of reinsurance.