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 Spiritualism in management


 Aggarwal, Ravi


 Sublime Publications




This book is the result of the influence of many people who have contributed to my way of seeing the world. This book is offered as one method for spiritual education in today’s management, perhaps it will provide some heat and some energy to sustain people intend upon self-development and for a spiritual life in a complex and ever-changing world. Culture, institutions and traditions must be seen as related to nature, otherwise a sustainable spirituality for the future is not possible. Capture the spirit of people and encode its deepest tears, hopes and longings. Spirituality must be the concern of both religious people. This book is not aimed at exploring the theories and findings of spiritualism, although a few lines will be there just to support some principles. The significance of the spiritualism in today’s management has become clear in this book as you will acquire a basic understanding of the importance to experience in your life and at the work.