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 Insurance Professionalism In Nigeria


 Chartered Insurance Institute Of Nigeria


 Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria




Insurance Professionalism in Nigeria is a book of historical excursion spanning half a century in to the mind and thinking of a profession, which is international in nature, and global in practice. The Institute marks its Golden Jubilee Anniversary with a collection of valuable papers delivered in the last fifty years of her existence, and readers are assured of the stimulating and refreshing effect the contents of this book will have on them. Some of the truths foretold in some of the papers have come to pass, while some are yet to be. Readers are further assured of the simplicity of the papers, their precise nature, and the down-to-earth manner of delivery. For every member of the Insurance profession, aspirants into the profession, members of the financial services sector of the economy, and the general public, this book is highly recommended as a collector’s item, and a must-read for all.