Summary |
Pensions is not an island – cut off from the rest of the commercial world. On the contrary it is affected by the same laws which apply to every other business. For this reason, students need as a foundation a basic knowledge of the law.
Of necessity, our syllabus is wide and although students will not be expected to become legal experts on all the subjects covered, they will expected to understand basic legal terms, identify important principles and argue cases through.
Law is a precise subject with many well-established principles and doctrines. This is contrary to popular belief that law is a vague subject, the study of which should be approached in a similar manner. Students often fail to pick out the legal principles involved in an examination question and give an answer containing vague expressions which result in few marks being awarded.
Cases and statutes should be quoted where appropriate. Whenever a legal principle is being expounded it is essential that the case or statute upon which it is based be stated. Quoting a case means stating the plaintiff, defendant and the year of the case. A statute should be identified by the name of the act the year.