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 Inter Regional Disparities In India


 Thakur, Anil Kumar/ Chauhan, Shyam Sunder Singh


 Deep and Deep Publications Pvt Ltd




In a vast country like India, striking regional disparities, inherited from colonial rule of over two centuries, have increased in the post-independence era because of faulty unified and centralized planning, political structure and social traditions. Issue of inter-regional as well as intraregional disparities have gained prominence in the literature of growth and development of Indian economy because of rising regionalism and secessionism originating from extreme linequalities in the distribution of income and wealth. The present volume contains 36 research papers in all, presented at 91st conference of Indian Economic Association on 27-29 December 2008, at M.S. University. Udaipur (Rajasthan). The session on Inter-regional disparities, in which these research papers were presented and discussed under the chairmanship of Prof. T.S. Papola a well known economist of India had a lively and fruitful discussion. The present volume is divided into three sections, namely: (i) Inter-state disparities in growth and development; (ii) State/Region specific disparities; and (iii) Disparities in North-East Region.