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 Investment Banking: Concepts, Analyses And Cases


 Subramanyam, Pratap G.


 Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd




With the deepening of financial markets and fast-paced transformation of the corporate landscape, investment banking as a branch of financial services has assumed high importance. Investment banking: Concepts, analyses and cases has been written to provide conceptual understanding and analyses of the investment banking processes. Divided into two parts, the book covers: • Part 1: Capital markets, securities and issuances, law and regulatory mechanisms, types of capital market securities and issues. • Part 2: Global and Indian investment banking, major functions of a full service investment bank-underwriting, issue management, private equity, buybacks and de-listing, corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions. Other highlight of the book: • Coverage of the subject from Indian and international perspectives with comparative analyses of systems followed in Indian and US capital markets. • 100 caselets, 60 detailed case studies, illustrated cases and worked out problems from Indian and international corporate sector. • Self-test questions at the end of chapters. • Numerous exhibits, tables and illustrations. • End of the book problems and cases with solutions.