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 Essence Of Time Management: Principles And Practice


 Leboeuf, Michael


 Jaico Publishing House




The subject of time management provides the reader with fascinating insights into human traits and habits. Time management is generally perceived as being synonymous with neatness, organization and a very structured daily routine. These factors are all elements of greater efficiency. However, time management is more complex than that. It is a frame of mind. It is an attitude of personal commitment and more importantly, a dramatic recording of priorities and work habits. Unless time is managed, nothing else can be managed. Most time management ideas are common sense but not a common practice. Improved time management does increase productivity and overall performance. It can also improve morals as employees become more effective and more satisfied with the use of their time. In today’s competitive environment, managers who misuse their time are at a distinct disadvantage. This compendium is a comprehensive overview of the complexities of time management. The articles present a broad survey of practical knowledge, research and theory on the subject. The diversity of insights, experience and theoretical concepts offers managers a variety of approaches, applicable for both themselves and their subordinates, using their time more effectively.